Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Things are going wrong this Holiday season.
First: Dad got laid off…well, we knew that was coming, and were actually hoping for it—but at Christmas? C’mon.
Second: With dad laid off, my way of getting to school is…um…
Third: Mom wasn’t paying the money for Trev’s horn, so it got repossessed without the chance of ever getting it back. We had to go to a ponshop in order to get one for his class—granted mom and dad got a steal on it…but with the above miss-haps…this was baaaad timing.
Fourth: Mom didn’t pay a ticket…so dad might go to jail?
Now the good news:
Dad gets good unemployment.
More bad news:
Mom might get let go…that’s bad >.<
Dang. I am hung-a-ry.
At least we won’t lose the house or the car…score.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Up It
Scout's Gotten BIG
The little girl has gotten big. Can barely pick her up anymore. Despite her stupidness she's cute and really pretty. She is the dumb blonde in our family :) She likes to lick everything--people--furniture--carpet?
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Gold Raccoon, Leo and Horse/Metal
Interesting how very near true this is…I mean…almost exactly…except I do take things seriously—most of the time. Other than that…this thing is pretty dang accurate.
You are Gold Raccoon, who display an easy outlook, and are very graceful.
You give an impression of typical traditional Japanese women.
You are always quiet, and will not speak out your thoughts openly.
Your modesty and gracefulness will avoid friction, and will be able to make the harsh atmosphere turn friendly.
You tend to forget things easily and make easy promises.
But your cheerful and active character pays for those weak points.
It may be a good idea if you take notes.
You don't think things seriously, and people may think you to be too indifferent.
This may be a good thing to do sometimes, but it may also result in you losing important things and people.
But once you set an objective, your concentration is amazing.
Once you start on something, you will accomplish the goal no matter what.
Unlike your pretty atmosphere, in real life, you are very active person, and although you may look sensitive, you have great nerve and guts.
You also possess observing eyes towards people, and have great talent and know how to get on in life.
You act as though you are weak towards men, but really you are the one manipulating them successfully.
You are likely to make your husband a dominating one.
You are more interested in your career than your love life.
But once you fall in love, you get extremely passionate, and will attack with all your heart and mind and strength.
After getting married, you will put all your energy into your family.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Another interesting thing that has happened today…Hannah got a kitty. Dad doesn’t know. *In the most sarcastic voice imaginable* He’s gonna be so excited.

Nanna wants to call her Sitka…why does that name sound so familiar you ask? Well I will tell you.
Because it was the name of the guy from Brother Bear, that’s why. At least it was the cool older brother…
Sitka is also the name of a fur trading town Russians founded in Alaska (so it’s a Russian name, not Alaskin…unless the Russians had a nice discussion on what they ought to call the settlement with the Eskimos or Inuit or whatever you want to call em).
…and a tree, which just happens to be the tree on the Oregon coast that recently fell. It was the largest till it died.

…now, or she wants to call the kitty Dakota, which has a real meaning—friend. Either that…or something…Eskimo. Apparently I get to research it.
This is funny, but Lance is having a fit over the fact Nanna just took her kitty away from my tummy. She was a good belly warmer, sleeping there like she didn't have a care in the world. Lance seems more interested in her than Scout...I wonder if that's cause the kitty comes in a snack size meal.
OK...I'm really hungry. Where the heck is food?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
My reaction:
I was traumatized.
Mum is snoring…
We got David a puppy for his birthday…he named her Scout. I hated it until he explained he named her after the kid from “To Kill A Mocking Bird”, then I decided it was…ok. Arthur suggested a cute name that I liked for her, Rose. I was calling her Nika to get Dave to name her…it worked.
Behold the little one in all her glory of golden retriever glory!
That’s pretty much it…I don’t have a job *grumbles* I spend my days watching Steve Wilkos, The Wendy Show and the Tyra Banks Show…in between I read I write I eat and…I survive a meaningless existence.
Go me!
I ate two Oreo and there were no maggots in em.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Break Sucks
Ok, I have not been looking that hard but I have put in applications without getting called back...ok there was only one app but still. I need a car so I can look outside of town, or maybe I should just get my book published.
I'm watching the Tyra Show. These women remind me of my mom--shopaholics. My mom is just too stubborn to admit that she is one. At least she is not as bad as these women.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The End
Vanessa and I are staying up late talking and being female. Sentimental and all. I have learned new things, like Tim having a crush on me earlier this semester, as well as Beks.
I just told Vanessa I was going to bite her face...yes. Weirdness comes especially during the night hours. I am probably going to end up driving to Utah tomorrow. That will be fun. I'm tired and may crash...we shall see ^_^
Vanessa just got a phone call on our dorm phone and it is 2:30 in the morning!
Not surprised actually.
Well, here is a video of this semester. It's pretty empty of some events but was a good semester.
I made some toffee. It is dang good :) I am amazing.
Today was so busy. I got my finals done, talked to a super cute guy from my class, but yeah...oh well. After all of that V and I walked to the Viking to return our books. It was icky hot and bad and ugh...I wanted to die. We went to Broulims to get some money I owed someone and some ice cream to help with the heat.
Brit came back from Washington. I guess she was picking someone up, but she also came for the remote she left behind. She and Tim came together and ended up dragging V and me out. We went to Subway. I bought V and me a sandwich. It was like a pizza. I am so sick of pizza. Teachers want to help with the end of the semester, but they all feed us pizza! I am lactose intolerant. I think I will probably end up dying from lactose. Anyway. I had to go to the Snow to pay that girl and so we left Brit and Tim at Subway and went to pay her. We ended up late so I had to wait until she was done rehearsing. V was kind enough to wait with me.
Now we are all packed and ready to go. Jen left around 11:30 PM, Beks went at like ten in the morning, V will be taking off around 9 o'clock I think and I am here...till my rents come for me.
Fun stuff.
Anyway, that is the most recent of the life of me.
My eyes are twitching. It must be time for bed.
Good night!
I just crushed a bug. Vanessa is laughing at me because I freaked out when it cracked between my fingers. It was so gross! And she was laughing at me. How rude. There are so many bugs!
Now she is playing with my ear and my hair. I think I may never get to bed. And she's laughing at me!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I'm Such A Brat
We heard Zach's voice today. He sent his family a tape of him and V got a hold of it. He's such a goof...she loves him so much...
I need to go to bed.
You know, I think all lives are fairytale stories, but not all end in Happily Ever After. I hope mine does, a Happily Ever After that makes me blissfully happy... like L's situation. She's so in love and she is so happy. V too. I envy that.
Bed time.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
My butt is sore...
I want to watch E.T. He scares me, but I still wanna watch.
Not much in the way of excitement has happened this semester. My "partner" for my calling and I have been on a few dates. He's fun to hang with know. That's personal stuff though, which does not go in my blog.
Last semester (again) on the night we were cleaning for White Glove Garrett came over. I was wearing my Super Girl pink cape while I was cleaning. He took it, along with my purple wig and white halo and he ran around Rexburg in it. My friend from Book of Mormon said she saw him.
What an interesting fella Garrett is...
My life is dull, my life is boring.
Jennifer doesn't believe in true love. Bekah and I just don't understand. I think Heavenly Father wouldn't leave us hanging. I mean, he went through the same thing and found his eternal companion. He's loved her for eternity. If we can become like him in the way of all things, why should true, eternal love, not be included?
Something to think about I suppose...
She keeps arguing that her computer's clock is right and mine is not, but EVERYONE elses is the same as mine. I set mine to Mountain Time, Jen admited to changing hers manualy. We even had a screaming contest. I said 2:53 and she said 2:51. We held out our last digits till the other person gave up...I WON!
I'm hungry...time to make cake!
I can't find the mix :(I made a wallpaper for my computer. I haven't done this in so long but I still got it ;]
This is laptop size 1280 x 800
Yay Me.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Floor Smells Odd
These are some pics of when we went sledding with Bekah’s sister and brother in law, Sara and Steve. In the little video there that horrid noise is the wind. It was roaring and made the tiny pieces of snow pelt into our faces like little rocks.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Cold Feet
"We should see who can stand in the snow the longest." I suddenly said. It had been really quiet so my thought was pretty random.
"Can we wear coats?" Bekah asked. I knew she would do it. I smiled and said yes. And so I grabbed my camera and blanket, Bekah put on a coat, and Robin filmed it.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Pranks and Dances
Yesterday when Bekah and I came home from walking to the store and back we saw these guys in boxes following people around. It was hilarious.
Today, it started snowing...snowing! It's March for pity's sake!
Well, Bekah's sister and brother in law came over with a guy friend. We had dinner, then those guys who did the box prank came over. They challenged us to chug sodas. Briant (Bekah's sister's friend) tried, erm...kinda did it. Then Bekah's brother in law did it. Then I tried but spat it every where and Bekah finished it for me cause I was getting so sick from the sugar and syrup and gross! After that Jen and V came and we coaxed them into doing it. It was loads fun.
Here's a video of dancing, pranks and snow!
(Song: Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love by Coldplay)
During the sunny day (two days ago...sooo...Friday) we took pictures. It was fun!
Honestly...we just had tons of fun...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
All Night
We just finished watching "Australia" which was amazing.
I performed in "Celtic Tales" and will again tonight. Bekah, Jen, Vanessa and Robin came and saw me. After words we messed around, sang some Disney songs and went to Artic Circle for dinner. It was good. :)
Here's a movie of us running like Vanessa and singing "Be A Man" from "Mulan".
I also made a video for our Red Wood trip last summer. Here it is!
That's it :]
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Family History
The speaker is currently talking about the temple.
He just told a story of how the General Authority decided to have the sacrament in the Kirkland temple. A man objected the idea but could change no one's mind. As they were having the sacrament in the temple this man could tell that everyone but he was having a spiritual experience. Then, in the words of the speaker, this man recieved "a spiritual spanking". A voice said to him, "this is not your house, it is mine." The Lord can do whatever he wants in his home, and he is in charge of it. Nice thought =]