Some fun things have happened recently. The first on is the crazy storm that came on Tuesday. It was a thunderstorm with winds going 60 mph. Lightning and thunder was everywhere, the sky was dark and pretty and the rain was coming down hard. It was really warm outside too.
Alyssa and I went out and played in it. Half our street was out there too, which was most of our Relief Society. Alyssa and I ran around half the block then came back. I had not run like that since high school! It was so much fun. It was really pretty too.
Barbara was such a dork, she has ammonia because the doctors had to drown her lungs to clean them out and she was out there jumping in puddles with us. The water in the puddles was super dirty and they were HUGE. I wish I had pictures of it, but I do have pictures Alyssa took of us when we came back in to shower.
She showered first so I sat on a towel in the living room and watched TV until it was my turn. After playing in the warm rain and then coming in and getting cold, the hot shower was super nice. We had so much fun.
Jen and I went to the midnight showing of The Last Airbender, we walked to the theatre. She was on the phone with Bekah the entire way. She had called her to see if she wanted to come with us, but she had to remain at home and take care of her grandma. I was stressing because we were waiting for her to call us back and tell us yes or no and we couldn’t leave until we knew. So when Jen called back and she said no at around 10 I dragged us out of there and started walking at my fast pace. Jen wouldn’t keep up, and I think she was getting irritated with me. We went to cross the street and a car came toward us at high speed. I freaked and pulled her along, being silly. She told me to calm down :( That’s when I think she was irritated. So I was quiet until I was handed the phone. I talked to Beks a bit; she’s having it rough right now. Then we went inside, I was still on the phone and Jen got our tickets. I owe her almost $9.00 Ick >.< She and I talked and played a couple games. I won 2 of War, and she won 2 of Go Fish. She stole my three Queens both games. I was livid. And then we went in to see the movie. It was good. I enjoyed it for what it was, but it was not as epic as I had hoped it would be. I would have done three movies for each book so there would have been nine. There was just way too much information to cram it all in a one, two hour movie. Jen and I talked about it the entire way home, talking about what we liked, what we disliked, analyzing the movie and voicing our opinion about the whole thing. That’s when I like to critique a movie, not during it :P, which is what she likes to do at home. I can’t stand that, but she’s getting better at not doing it.
Anyway, that’s about it. We had fun.
Last night I stayed up until four cleaning the house. I couldn’t stand the dirtiness any more, and no one had done their chore before leaving for the weekend. So I cleaned. I got up around nine and went next door to catch the last of the soccer game with Barbs (Germany vs Argentina). Germany won 4:0. It was a pretty cool game, and the sportsmen ship was awesome. After that I came back here and slept until about 1:00 and then vacuumed. I couldn’t do it last night. I didn’t want to wake up upstairs or Jen.
Now it is beautiful and clean.
I just wish people would do their chores. I’m so tired.
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