My roommates are panicking, but I find this sort of thing hilarious.
This will be the second apartment I’ve lived in where it’s flooded, if it floods. This is the second time the snow has melted so fast this semester that it’s flooded out entryway. Hilarious.
Trina came to visit with her gal-pal to do auditions for Argentine (it was the same day Whitney Huston died). I'm really excited to be a part of it. It's gonna be fun! I play Beatrice, beautiful evil-lady who gets to do some awesome shrieking.
Phedra has been going well. I’ve made some great friends, who I will miss much when we have finished our run. The last show is this Saturday. I had a really good moment in my second scene last night. The passion was at a good level, though I could probably up it even more. We’ll see what I can do tonight!
On opening night, or really pre-opening night, my roommates came. Alyssa and Michelle bought me flowers! When Trina, Ryan, Matt and Alex came to see it Trina and Ryan bought me flowers too. It was super awesome. I've never been spoiled so much in so short a time in my life!
I’m back to re-writing Snow White. It’s kind of been left as is for a while, but I got some new ideas.
I need to cut my nails. I like them long and all, but they’re inconvenient. Poo…
So on Sunday it was just Alyssa and me. We went to sacrament meeting, but poor Alyssa wasn't feeling good, so we went home during Sunday school. After having eaten some and what not we returned for Relief Society because she was teaching the lesson. When we came home we decided to make dinner. Chicken salsa and tortillas all from scratch. Our home teacher came over. We don't much like him, and we were trying to get rid of him when the door knocks again. I'm antisocial so I have no friends not in the theatre, and Alyssa wasn't expecting anyone so we didn't know who was coming over.
The door was answered and two guys walked in. I assumed they were home teachers for one of our roommates--who were all gone. They stayed and chatted, never asked for anyone else. Were impressed with our legit cooking and decided they wanted us over for dinner the next day. Finally Alyssa asked "why are you here". I had been oblivious that this was weird at all, but when she mentioned something I realized this wasn't an ordinary visit. So I asked: "wait...why ARE you here?"
They had seen us walking back and forth from church once when they were going to ward choir the next when they were home teaching. They saw where we lived and decided that they had to come meet us. Tyler called us "beautiful angels". We held in our laughter until after they left. It was flattering but creepy, and probably actually all about Alyssa because she gets attention from the dudes. I don't.
The awkward thing was that our home teacher was there watching the whole time. It was weird and we seriously wanted to him to leave. He kept wanting our food and it was like--no friggin way!
Anyway. That was my holiday-adventure.
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