First of all I'm back at school. It's my second to last semester! Woot.
Well, I’ve done something that many have done in the past. Who knows how permanent this is but, I’ve deleted my facebook.
Reasons: well there are a few.
Firstly I feel like a lot of people on my friends list only think of me as
a number. I don’t want to be friends with people who aren’t going to take advantage of the social thing and never talk to me.
Secondly, C.S. invaded. I was doing really well. I didn’t think about him, didn’t talk about him, I wasn’t a creeper and all that other jazz. A couple of nights ago he found his way into my nighttime dreams, now I can’t get him out of my daytime dreams. I feel close to a relapse. So I removed temptation. I got rid of facebook (so I wouldn’t have to see his face, or be tempted to get on his page all the time), and deleted a bunch of numbers from my phone.
At first I didn’t know what I was going to do about this thing--all those feelings that had finally left me to peace swarming back just because the guy showed up in my subconscious thoughts.
My subconscious is evil and cruel.
But while I was brooding over it in the shower (seems I get most of my epiphanies in the shower) a thought came to my mind. Delete facebook. I followed that little voice in my head and did it. I know this whole thing isn’t that big of a deal (at least not to me, the older I get the less I seem to care, and I was doing just fine without the social networking before fb and myspace and twitter came along, though I’m totally still on twitter...I haven’t been on myspace for a long time).
Anyway. So that’s was last night.

Last night I also went to a birthday party. It was fun for the hour I was there. A couple of my friends and I decided against staying for the games. Sorry, but I’m not really into that stuff.
A really late update: I got into Hyrum’s production of Phedra as Princess Aricia. I love that character and am really excited to play her. Of all the other characters she is the strongest and most level headed, it’s just too bad she’s the love interest too. Hippo finally got over his bubble-issue and was all over me yesterday. I was totally uncomfortable, but I suppose that’s something I need to get over if I’m going to play the “almost-lover”.
Sigh. Life. It rocks right.
It’s ok. I’m moving to Europe in January. One way or the other. I hope...
Update from like five minutes ago: boys are dumb. Stay away from my roommate or I will buy a baseball bat just for you. Yeah. No joke. I will beat you with it. Asshole.a